Welcome – Complicated to Simple

Hello everyone and welcome to Complicated to Simple.  If you're here and were expecting to find Robert Seth, CPA or The Eclectic Advisor, be assured that you are in the right place.  In an effort to serve you better, I have consolidated the information from those two sites into this one. Not only is it more difficult and time consuming to maintain two sites, it makes it more difficult for you to know which site your desired information will be on.

In Addition, I also came to the conclusion that much of the expertise I would like to share with you does not fall into either of those categories.  So after some brainstorming it became apparent that the theme of what I want to do for you is much  broader.  Instead of being only about technology or accounting and tax, it's more about helping you simplify anything in your life that is complicated.

My vision for this site is to be a one-stop place to help you do all kinds of things that you normally might not have done yourself.  To help you save money by either becoming more self sufficient, or knowing how something works so you're well informed when you have someone else do it for you.   I want to help you be empowered and more in control of the complicated things in your life instead of them having control over you.

With that vision in mind, come join me on this journey.  In the coming days I will be adding the articles that were on the other two sites to this one.  I will also be adding lots of new ones and other content as well.  Please pardon the confusion while I make this transition.  I promise you will not be disappointed!

In the meantime,  be sure to sign up in the box to the right so I can keep you updated about new content, specials, and new features of the site.  

Thanks for visiting and I look forward to serving you!           

Published by

Robert Seth

Robert Seth is a technology expert and a CPA in Yacolt, Washington. He serves a variety of customers both locally and nationwide. His specialty is helping people take control of the technology in their lives instead of it taking control of them. He also helps clients deal with the increasing complexity of tax and accounting rules in his CPA practice.

3 thoughts on “Welcome – Complicated to Simple”

    1. Thanks for the Reply Cat. Great idea to link sites…I will add your link to mine right away. Thanks again!

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